Are you with us? Add your voice now.

We are UWU women.

We work around the clock doing essential jobs our whole country depends on. We are proud of our hard work and we’re determined to be valued for it.


We believe that every woman deserves safety, equality and respect – at work, at home and everywhere in between. But, sexual harassment and assault remain a daily reality for many women. And for every dollar a man earns, we’re paid just 78 cents. Women of colour, different abilities and from LGBTIQ+ communities face even greater obstacles and injustice.


We’ve come together to scream ‘ENOUGH!’ with one enormous union voice. We demand change and we want it now. Join us as we fight for a future in which we are all safe, equal and respected.  


And to all our male comrades – equality isn’t just a women’s issue – it’s everyone’s responsibility. Play your part and stand with us. 


  • An end to discrimination, sexual harassment and gender-based violence at work. 
  • An end to non-disclosure agreements that silence victim-survivors of gendered violence.  
  • Universal access to safe, fully funded abortions in every part of Australia. 
  • Pay justice for all women, in every workplace and industry.
  • An end to superannuation inequality and end to women facing poverty in retirement.
  • New rules to ensure the minimum wage is a living wage.   
  • Decent income support for single parents and women not currently in paid work.
  • Household work should be shared fairly between partners.  
  • Universal, fully funded, high quality early childhood education and care provided by professionally-paid educators.
  • Family-friendly workplaces, including 52 weeks of paid parental leave and other measures to support the shared care of children. 
  • 12 days reproductive leave to support workers through menstruation, menopause, IVF and medical conditions and procedures related to the reproductive system.
Our proud history

Since Melbourne tailoresses first walked off the job back in 1882 and formed a union, women in Australia have a proud history of fighting for our rights. We’ve chained ourselves to government buildings, we’ve marched and organised together to build power, win change and smash the patriarchy. We’ve made huge strides. But we’ve got a long way to go before every woman in Australia is safe, equal and respected.



  • 26 weeks paid parental leave 
  • New bargaining laws to help care sector workers win better pay  
  • New laws to make hold employers more accountable for sexual discrimination and harassment  
  • Expanded anti-discrimination laws  
  • Giving the Fair Work Commission equal remuneration powers  
  • Rights to flexible work extended and unpaid parental leave  
  • 10 days of Family & Domestic Violence Leave